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Spanish Marriage Customs

There are many techniques to integrate some of Spain’s stunning culture into your big time, whether you’re planning a bride worldwide or are just looking to do it. You can add a touch of Spain’s attractive culture to your wedding with these substantial traditions, from delicious food and distinctive attire to long-standing ceremony customs and brilliant florals.

A bride in Spain typically wears a chosen, a classic Spanish bridal veil, that her family embroidered for her or may have been given. This lace hat is frequently adorned with a small blossom to the side and is worn over a large locks hair or peineta.

Before the pair leaves the church or venue, they will be presented with thirteen gold coins, known as arras, which are sung during the meeting and represent the groom’s commitment to take care of her and provide for her. These coins does serve as a reminder of their devotion to one another and to their shared financial future by being kept in a particular field.

When the brides leave the church or stadium, guests will line up and scatter rice or rose petals confetti at them. This is a great photo possibility and a chance for everyone to express their happiness and want the newlyweds.

A reception(un banquete ) will be held following the ceremony, which will typically include lots of sangria and food. The newlyweds will use a ceremonial sword to cut their wedding cake ( tarta nupcial ) during the banquete, which is a wonderful way to honor their union. Additionally, it is customary for the couple to give each other a chunk of the cake.

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